Attract Screen Templates


Attract screen templates are used to customize the appearance and functionality of the attract screen. To assign an attract screen template, select it from the Attract Screen Template menu on the Attract Screen Panel on the Modules tab. Configuration and style settings for each attract screen template are assigned on the Text and Labels and Style and Layout panels. Saved changes will be visible in the interactive the next time the attract screen is reloaded; either by a screen refresh or by navigating to a different page and then back.


Attract Screen Templates:
Default Template

The Default attract screen template cycles through each member, fading in their full screen Action image, followed by a user defined Attribute text block, and then a call to action Touch Instruction. The Default attract screen template is an ideal choice if there are high-resolution Action images available for each member. Until a member is assigned an Action image,  a placeholder image is displayed along with the text blocks. This provides end-users with a preview of new members even before their content is ready to be published. 




Action Image

Each member's Action image is used as a full screen background. If a member has no action image assigned to them the default action image is used, and if there is no default action image assigned the built-in placeholder image is used. Each member's action image is assigned on the corresponding Member Image Panel on the Members tab. The default action image is assigned on the Default Images panel on the Modules tab.


Style and Layout Panel:

Background Tint

Adding a translucent tint overlay can help make the text easier to read. Adding a tint on the Style and Layout panel on the Modules tab will affect all of the attract screen images. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Background Saturation

Background saturation can be adjusted from grayscale (0) to full color saturation (1). Changing the background saturation on the Style and Layout panel on the Modules tab will affect all of the attract screen images. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Background Texture

Background texture adds a slight graininess to images. Changing the background texture on the Style and Layout panel on the Modules tab will affect all of the attract screen images. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.



Touch Instruction

The Touch Instruction prompts end-users to touch the screen to begin exploring the interactive.


Text and Labels Panel:

Touch Instruction

Enter the touch instruction. The default text is Touch to Explore.


Style and Layout Panel:

Touch Instruction Color

Select a color for the touch instruction text. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.

Touch Background Color

Select a background color for the touch instruction. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Primary Attribute

Assign a Primary Attribute to help inform end-users about each of the members featured on the attract screen.   


Text and Labels Panel:

Primary Attribute

Select the attribute to be displayed in the primary attribute position, or select None to leave the space empty. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Primary Attribute Font Size

Adjust the primary attribute's font size. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Primary Attribute Leading

Adjust the primary attribute's leading (line height). To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Style and Layout Panel:

Primary Attribute Color

Select a color for the primary attribute text. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.



Secondary Attribute

Assign a Secondary Attribute to help inform end-users about each of the members featured on the attract screen.   


Text and Labels Panel:

Secondary Attribute

Select the attribute to be displayed in the secondary attribute position, or select None to leave the space empty. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Secondary Attribute Font Size

Adjust the secondary attribute's font size. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Secondary Attribute Leading

Adjust the secondary attribute's leading (line height). To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Style and Layout Panel:

Secondary Attribute Color

Select a color for the secondary attribute text.



Tertiary Attribute

Assign a Tertiary Attribute to help inform end-users about each of the members featured on the attract screen.   


Text and Labels Panel:

Tertiary Attribute

Select the attribute to be displayed in the tertiary attribute position, or select None to leave the space empty. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Tertiary Attribute Font Size

Adjust the tertiary attribute's font size. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Tertiary Attribute Leading

Adjust the tertiary attribute's leading (line height). To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Style and Layout Panel:

Tertiary Attribute Color

Select a color for the tertiary attribute text. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.




Text Placement

Adjust the placement of the Touch Instruction and Attribute text blocks to improve legibility and overall composition.   


Style and Layout Panel:

Text Placement

The placement of the attribute text block and the touch instruction text block are random by default, but can be set to fixed positions. Use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab to position text blocks specific to an individual member's image.

The small graphic next to each option provides a visual reference as to the placement of each block. The default setting is Random. The uppercase letters next to each graphic also provide a reference as to the placement of each block. Each letter represents a position, as follows:


T = Top

R = Right

B = Bottom

L = Left


The first two letters represent the position of the attribute text block (black box) and the second two letters represent the position of the touch instruction text block (red box). E.g. TLTR = Top Left placement of the attribute text block and Top Right placement of the touch instruction text block.


TIP: From the Member Image Panels, keep the Action Image panel open to provide a visual reference when deciding on the ideal placement of each text block.





Transition Speed

Adjust the duration of the transition between each member featured on the attract screen.


Style and Layout Panel:

Transition Speed

The transition speed adjusts the overall amount of time it takes to cycle through a single member. The time can be adjusted between a range of approximately 9 - 15 seconds. The default settings is medium.






Attract Screen Templates:
Boxes Template

The Boxes attract screen template displays multiple members at once. Each member's image fades in, pauses, and then fades out to display text associated with the member.  The Boxes attract screen template is an ideal choice if several members have only low resolution images available, or have no images available. The Boxes template does not display a placeholder image when a member image is unavailable, but it will still display the text associated with each member, making it an ideal solution when photographic content is limited. 




Text Box

Text and Labels Panel:

Text Box Display Frequency

Select how often to display the text associated with each member when their image fades out. A setting of 0 will prevent the text from being displayed at all, while a setting of 100 will display the text every time the image fades out. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Text Box Frequency Override

The text associated with each member will be displayed whether or not a member image is available. Check this checkbox to override the Display Frequency setting and force the text to be displayed whenever a member's image is unavailable.


Style and Layout Panel:

Text Box Color

Select a background color for the text boxes. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.



Primary Attribute

Text and Labels Panel:

Primary Attribute

Select an attribute to be displayed in the primary attribute position, or select None to leave the space empty. The font size is adjusted automatically based on the resulting box size and cannot be adjusted manually. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Style and Layout Panel:

Primary Attribute Color

Select a color for the primary attribute text. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.



Secondary Attribute

Text and Labels Panel:

Secondary Attribute

Select an attribute to be displayed in the secondary attribute position, or select None to leave the space empty. The font size is adjusted automatically based on the resulting box size and cannot be adjusted manually. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Style and Layout Panel:

Secondary Attribute Color

Select a color for the secondary attribute text. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.



Tertiary Attribute

Text and Labels Panel:

Tertiary Attribute

Select an attribute to be displayed in the tertiary attribute position, or select None to leave the space empty. The font size is adjusted automatically based on the resulting box size and cannot be adjusted manually. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Style and Layout Panel:

Tertiary Attribute Color

Select a color for the tertiary attribute text. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.



Image Properties


Style and Layout Panel:

Image Type

Select whether to use each members' portrait or action image. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Target Shape

Select a target shape for the images. The resulting image dimensions will vary slightly depending on the Border Thickness and Target Size settings. Options include Square, Landscape, Panorama, Portrait, or Tall Portrait.


Target Size

Select the target size. The resulting number of rows and columns will vary depending on the Border Thickness  and Target Shape settings. Options include Small, Medium, or Large.


Vertical Alignment

Determines how the image will be aligned vertically within the target shape. This setting only has an effect if the size of the image does not match the size of the target shape. Options include Top, Center, and Bottom


Aligns the top edge of the image with the top edge of the target shape, cropping out the bottom of the image.



Centers the image within the space, cropping out the top and bottom of the image equally.



Aligns the bottom edge of the image with the bottom edge of the target shape, cropping out the top of the image.



To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Horizontal Alignment

Determines how the image will be aligned horizontally within the target shape. This setting only has an effect if the size of the image does not match the size of the target shape. Options include Left, Center, and Right



Aligns the left edge of the image with the left edge of the target shape, cropping out the right side of the image.



Centers the image within the space, cropping out the right and left sides of the image equally.



Aligns the right edge of the image with the right edge of the target shape, cropping out the left side of the image.



To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.


Background Tint

Applies a tint overlay to all images. This option can be used in conjunction with the Background Saturation setting to mimic sepia or duotone images.


Background Saturation

Adjust background saturation between black and white (0) and full color (1). This option can be used in conjunction with the Background Tint setting to mimic sepia or duotone images. To override this setting for a specific member, use the Attract Screen Override panel on the Members tab.




Style and Layout Panel:

Border Thickness

Adjust the thickness of the border from 0 to 4 pixels.


Border Color

Select a color for the image border.



Touch Instruction

The touch instruction will fade in at random locations as the attract screen cycles through each member.


Text and Labels Panel:

Touch Instruction Text

Enter the touch instruction. The default text is Touch to Explore.


Style and Layout Panel:

Touch Instruction Color

Select a color for the touch instruction text.


Touch Background Color

Select a background color for the touch instruction.