Modules are used to configure the layout of the interface end-users see and interact with on each of the live interactive touchscreen stations (kiosks). They are created on the Modules tab and can include user-defined menus used to query and sort members, and pages used to display content associated with each member. Each module has an assigned template, which can be configured to alter the module's appearance and functionality. Members are assigned to a module on the Members tab.
Section Title |
Identifies the active tab and provides a brief overview of its purpose and functionality. |
Action Toolbar |
Module Configuration Panels |
See the Attract Screen, Default Images, and Module Panels topics below for more information about each configuration panel. |
The attract screen is a specialized module without configurable menus or pages. It is displayed when the interactive first starts and it functions as a stand-alone presentational display, randomly cycling through and displaying each member assigned to it in an infinite loop. The attract screen is displayed after a set amount of time of inactivity (see Settings for more information on timeouts). Members are assigned to the attract screen on the Members tab. If there are no members assigned to the attract screen it is bypassed and the main menu is displayed.
IMPORTANT: Unenabling or bypassing the attract screen is not recommended. While the attract screen is primarily intended to enhance the interactive experience, the continuous updating of text and images also helps to reduce the chance of image burn-in or image retention due to the lengthy display of static images on susceptible displays.
Attract Screen Panel |
Click the Attract Screen panel's header to toggle the display of attract screen settings. |
Reset Attract Screen Customizations |
Click the Reset button to remove all customizations and restore the selected attract screen template to its original default state. |
Attract Screen Template |
Select the template to be used to render the attract screen. See Attract Screen Templates for details specific to each template. This setting applies to all modules by default but can be overridden for each station configuration under Settings. |
Attract Screen Text and Labels Panel |
Click the Text and Labels panel's header to toggle the display of template specific configuration options. See Attract Screen Templates for details specific to each template. |
Attract Screen Style and Layout Panel |
Click the Style and Layout panel's header to toggle the display of template specific style settings. See Attract Screen Templates for details specific to each template. |
Each template has its own image requirements. For example, in the case of the Tiles template each member needs to be assigned a full screen background Action image and a smaller Portrait image. Default images are used as placeholders when a member's respective image is required but is not yet available. Each required image has its own panel under the main Default Images panel to allow a default placeholder image to be uploaded, edited, and previewed.
Default Image Panels |
Click to expand each panel and access the image editing tools. While the number of image panels may vary depending on the available templates, the functionality of the image editing tools is consistent.
See the Image Editor topic for details on uploading, editing, and previewing images.
Each module has its own panel on the Modules tab, used to customize its configuration and appearance.
Hide Unpublished Modules |
Click to show or hide unpublished modules in the Editor. Hiding unpublished modules can help to keep the Editor interface uncluttered. |
Module Panel |
Click a Module Panel header to toggle the display of its configuration options and panels. A vertical red bar indicates the panel is active and is the target of the Action Toolbar delete button. |
Module Id |
Each module is assigned a unique id. The module id can be referenced to distinguish between two or more modules with the same name. |
Module Name |
The module name is used to identify the module and is displayed in numerous locations in the live interactive, including titles, buttons, and graphic elements. See Module Templates for more information on how the module name is used by each template. |
Station Assignment |
Expand the Station Assignment select menu to assign the module to one or more stations.
Publish Location |
A module can be published for display on the Live interactive (kiosk), in Preview mode on the Editor's Virtual Interactive Display, or both. When set to Live the module will be viewable on the live interactive (kiosk) and in Live mode on the virtual interactive display. To unpublish a module set its publish location to None. |
Module Template |
Select the module template to be used. See Module Templates for more information about each template. |
Template Specific Panels |
Depending upon the selected template different panels will be displayed, and may include:
Main Menu Panel Click to expand the panel and access the module's Main Menu settings.
Pages Panel Click to expand the panel and access the module's Pages settings.
Settings (Slideshow) Click to expand the panel and access the module's Global Slideshow Settings.
Slides (Slideshow) Click to expand the panel and access the module's Slides settings.
Clock Overlay (Slideshow) Click to expand the panel and access the module's Clock Overlay settings.
Event Schedule (Slideshow) Click to expand the panel and access the module's Event Schedule settings.
Style Panel |
Click to expand the panel and access the module's Style settings. |
Style Reset |
Click to remove all customizations and reset the module's style to the default settings. |
Module Sort Handle |
Click-and-drag a module's sort handle to move the module to a new location. The module at the top of the list is displayed first in the interactive, with subsequent modules displayed in order from left to right.
NOTE: Some module templates allow the default position of its label on the task bar to be overridden on the Style panel. The label for the Default (no menu) and Tiles (no menu) templates, for example, are aligned to the right on the taskbar by default, but can also be configured to be aligned to the left.
Main Menu Panel |
Click to expand the panel and display the module's main menu configuration options and panels. |
Banner Options |
Banner options may vary between templates and may include the following:
Full Height Banner CheckboxCheck the Use Full Height Banner checkbox to enable the full height banner on the main menu. When the full height banner is enabled the module's title and pre-title are displayed. See the Module Templates topic for details on the placement and appearance of the title and pre-title for each template.
Full Height Banner Pre-TitleEnter the text to be displayed before the main title, or leave the field blank to eliminate the pre-title text. See the Module Templates topic for details on the placement and appearance of the title and pre-title for each template.
Main Menu LogoClick to expand the panel and upload a logo or other graphic to display on the Main Menu, typically in place of a banner banner title and/or pre-title. See the Module Templates topic for details on the placement and appearance of the graphic for each template.
Instructional Text |
Enter the instructional text to be displayed on the main menu. See the Module Templates topic for details on the placement and appearance of the main menu instruction for each template. The default text is "Locate a Member By:". |
Hide Unpublished Buttons |
Click to show or hide unpublished buttons in the Editor. Hiding unpublished buttons can help to keep the Editor interface uncluttered. |
Sound File Upload Progress Bar |
Displays the sound file upload progress. The full length of the bar will be blue when the file upload is complete. |
Sound File Select Menu |
Select a sound file to play when the main menu is loaded. If no sound files are listed click the Add Sound File button and upload an MP3 (.mp3) sound file. |
Add Sound File |
Click the Add Sound File button to upload an MP3 (.mp3) sound file. Uploaded MP3 sound files will automatically be added to the Sound File Select Menu. When a sound file is uploaded and selected a volume control will be displayed along with an option to loop the audio. |
Use Intro Button |
When the Use Intro Button option is enabled the first main menu button will be separated from the other buttons. This option is useful if there is an introductory video or other content to display that serves a different purpose than the standard search buttons. The intro button can be configured to be used on the Live interactive, in Preview mode on the Editor's Virtual Interactive Display only, or both. If the intro button is not needed set the option to No Intro Button. See the Module Templates topic for details on the placement and appearance of the Intro button for each template. |
Button Panel |
Click to expand the panel and display the button's configuration options. See the Main Menu Buttons topic for details. |
Main menu buttons are used to search for members or to directly load a single member's content. Depending on the assigned button target, when an end-user selects a main menu button a secondary menu or member content will be displayed. The secondary menus can be used to further filter down the list of members.
Button Sort Handle |
Click-and-drag the sort handle to move a button to a new location. See the Module Templates topic for details on how the order of the buttons translates to their display and placement within the interactive. |
Button Id |
Each button is automatically assigned a unique id. Button ids can be used to distinguish between two or more buttons with the same label. |
Button Label |
Enter a button label. The button and its label are displayed on the main menu. See the Module Templates topic for details on how buttons are displayed using a specific template. |
Button Publish Location |
A button can be published for display on the Live interactive (kiosk), in Preview mode on the Editor's Virtual Interactive Display, or both. When set to Live the button will be viewable on the live interactive (kiosk) and in Live mode on the virtual interactive display. To unpublish a button set its publish location to None. |
Button Target (Secondary Menus/Content) |
Select a target for the button. Options include Member Content or a Secondary Menu, including a Member List Menu, Alpha Menu, Year Menu, Month Menu, or a Custom Defined Menu. As outlined below, configuration options will vary for each target:
Filter/Layout Panel |
To create a new page click the new item button when the Pages panel is active.
Pages Panel |
Click to expand the panel and access each individual page panel. |
Hide Unpublished Pages |
Click to show or hide unpublished pages in the Editor. Hiding unpublished pages can help to keep the Editor interface uncluttered. |
Page Handle |
Click-and-drag to move the page to a new position. See the Module Templates topic for details on how the order of the pages in the Editor translates to their display and placement within the interactive. |
Page Id |
Each page is automatically assigned a unique id. The id can be used to distinguish between pages using the same name. |
Page Name |
Enter a page name. The page name is displayed on the content pages in the interactive. See the Module Templates topic for details on how page names are displayed in a specific template. |
Page Publish Location |
A page can be published for display on the Live interactive (kiosk), in Preview mode on the Editor's Virtual Interactive Display, or both. When set to Live the page will be viewable on the live interactive (kiosk) and in Live mode on the virtual interactive display. To unpublish a page set its publish location to None. |
Page Assignment |
Check the checkbox to automatically assign the page to all new members added to the module, and to all existing members who's page assignment hasn't already been saved. This setting can be overridden using the publish checkbox for each individual member on the Members tab. |
Page Layout |
Select a layout for the page. Available options can vary based on the assigned module template, and may include:
Default Layout
The default layout incorporates a menu to access each page associated with the member, automatic placement of the member's action and portrait images, three user-configurable headings, and a scrollable area for written content. See the Module Templates topic for details and examples specific to each module template.
Video: With Menu
The Video: With Menu layout displays the member's action image as the background, a menu to access each page associated with the member, a video within a window, and a user-defined caption for the video. Video links and options are configured under the Content section of the Members tab. See the Module Templates topic for details and examples specific to each module template.
Video: No Menu
The Video: No Menu layout displays the member's action image as the background, an area for written content next to a video within a window, and a user-defined caption for the video. In place of the page menu, Next Page and Previous Page buttons are displayed along side the primary navigation buttons. Video links and options are configured under the Content section of the Members tab. See the Module Templates topic for details and examples specific to each module template.
Video: Full Screen
The Video: Full Screen layout displays a full screen video with overlaid Next Page and Previous Page buttons displayed along side the primary navigation buttons. Video links and options are configured under the Content section of the Members tab. See the Module Templates topic for details and examples specific to each module template.
Blank: With Menu
The Blank: With Menu layout displays the member's action image as the background, a menu to access each page associated with the member, and a scrollable area for written content. See the Module Templates topic for details and examples specific to each module template.
Blank: No Menu
The Blank: No Menu layout displays the member's action image as the background and a scrollable area for written content. In place of the page menu, Next Page and Previous Page buttons are displayed along side the primary navigation buttons. See the Module Templates topic for details and examples specific to each module template.
Slideshows display continuous image or video slide shows without user interaction. Optionally, slideshow modules can incorporate a clock or event countdown timer. Slideshows provide no means of interaction unless they are included among other modules, in which case navigation to other modules is possible.
Slideshow Settings Panel
Global Slideshow Settings pertain to all of the module's slides. If required, the Display Time and Transition settings can be overridden for each slide under their respective Slide Settings.
Display Time |
Enter the number of seconds to display an image slide, or to adjust the duration of a video slide. If a mix of image and video slides are used this setting can be overridden for individual slides under their respective Slide Settings.
NOTE: This setting should be set to 0 for video slides unless a change to the duration of the video is desired. Negative values will clip the end of the video while positive values will add black space. |
Transition |
Select the type of transition to use between slides. Options include Crossfade, Square wipe, Circle wipe, or None. When a slideshow contains only a single image slide this setting should be set to None. |
Text Rotation |
Set the rotation of the text. This setting affects the rotation of the clock, event timer, and closed captions. This setting is used when a slideshow is presented in a vertical format. Images can be rotated with the Image Editor. |
Video Options: Volume |
Adjust the master volume level for video. Changes may take several seconds to take affect. |
Video Options: Mute After Last Event |
Check this option to mute the volume after the final event of the day has ended. If unchecked, the volume will remain on until turned off manually or until the Power Management Sleep time is reached. |
Slides Panel
The Slides panel is used to add, remove, rearrange, and configure slideshow slides.
Slide Dropzone |
Click an open space on the panel to open a file selection dialog or drag-and-drop images to upload them.
IMPORTANT: Videos cannot be uploaded. To add a video to a slideshow, first upload an image and then configure the slide for video playback under Slide Settings.
TIP: To ensure an uploaded image is the correct size and aspect ratio, double-click its thumbnail to open the image editor and access the cropping tool. |
Slide Settings |
Click a slide's Settings Icon to access its settings.
Milestone Thumbnail |
The slide thumbnail provides a visual representation of the slide or video. Hover over or touch a slide to see its filename and file size. Double-click a thumbnail to open the Image Editor. |
Clock Overlay Panel
Clock Position |
Select where to to display the clock. Options include Top left, right or center or Bottom left, right or center. |
Event Schedule Panel
Show Countdown |
Check the checkbox to display the countdown timer and uncheck it to hide the countdown timer. |
Add Event Schedule |
Click to add a new event schedule. Enter a name for the new schedule and click OK. Once created, complete the configuration of the new event as a Single Event or Recurring Event and save the changes.
Edit Event Schedule Name |
Click to edit the selected event schedule's name. Enter a new name for the schedule and click OK to save the change. |
Delete Event Schedule |
Click to delete the selected event schedule.
CAUTION: Deleting an event schedule is immediate and permanent. The entire schedule and all associated configuration settings will be permanently deleted. |
Event Type |
Single EventSingle events are one-time events that expire following their completion. After a single event time has expired the event can be edited as needed to accommodate a future event, or deleted.
Recurring EventRecurring events are events that recur daily or weekly. After a recurring event has ended the countdown text for the next event is displayed. If there are no additional events scheduled for that day the No Events/Event Ended Text is displayed until the next day that has a scheduled event.
Event text is displayed when the Show Countdown checkbox is checked and an Event Schedule has been fully configured and assigned.
Countdown Timer Format |
Select the format to be used to display the countdown days, hours, minutes and seconds. |
Event Name Shortcode |
Use the Event Name Shortcode [name] to display the Event Name, or Schedule Name for single events, within the Countdown and Loading/In-Progress Text. |
Event Start Time Shortcode |
Use the Event Start Time Shortcode [time] to display the Event Start Time within the Countdown and Loading/In-Progress Text. |
Event Countdown Timer Shortcode |
Use the Event Countdown Timer Shortcode [countdown] to display the countdown timer within the Countdown and Loading/In-Progress Text. |
Blink Text |
Wrap text in curly braces {blink this text} to make it blink. To use curly braces without blinking uncheck the Blink Text Enclosed in Curly Braces checkbox. |
Countdown Text |
Enter the text to display when counting down to the next event. Include event shortcodes as needed.
Recurring event example: The [time] showing of [name] begins seating in [countdown]
Single event example: [name] begins in [countdown] !
Loading/In-Progress Text |
Enter the text to display while the event is loading or in-progress. Include event shortcodes as needed.
Recurring event loading example: The [time] showing of [name] is {seating now!} Seating ends in [countdown]
Single event in-progress example: [name] is happening NOW! Come join us at Aston Park until 7:00 PM tonight!
No Events/Event Ended Text |
Enter the text to display when a single event has ended or after the last recurring event of the day has ended. Note that only the [name] shortcode is available for use within the No Events/Event Ended Text.
Recurring event example: There are no other events scheduled for today
Single event example: [name] was awesome! See you next year!
Begin Loading Before Event Time Checkbox |
When checked, the Loading/In-Progress Text is displayed before the event time. The Loading Time/Duration setting determines how long before the event time the Loading/In-Progress Text will be displayed. When unchecked the Loading/In-Progress Text is displayed at the event time.
TIP: For single events, uncheck this checkbox and set the Loading Time/Duration to the event length in order to display the Loading/In-Progress Text for the duration of the event. |
Blink Text Enclosed in Curly Braces Checkbox |
When checked, any text within curly braces will blink {blink this text}. Uncheck the checkbox to prevent blinking and to render any curly braces in the text. To render curly braces when this checkbox is checked use the HTML entity { for an opening curly brace and } for a closing curly brace. |
Timeline Background Image Panel
Expand the Timeline Background Image panel to upload a background image. The timeline background image is a static image displayed behind all other timeline elements. See the Image Editor topic for details on uploading, editing, and previewing images. See the Timeline template for a visual reference.
Milestones Panel
Milestone Dropzone |
Click an open space on the panel to open a file selection dialog or drag-and-drop images to upload them.
TIP: To ensure an uploaded image is the correct size and aspect ratio, double-click its thumbnail to access the cropping tool. Milestone images can be cropped for display in a window or full screen. Full screen images must be created at a specific size and saved in a specific format. Download the Photoshop (.psd) Milestone Image Template from the Resources tab under My Account for assistance with proper sizing and placement of an image within the alloted space. |
Milestone Date/Label |
Each milestone's date/label, as entered under milestone settings, is displayed above its thumbnail.
Milestone Settings |
Click a slide's Settings Icon to access its settings.
Milestone Thumbnail |
The milestone thumbnail provides a visual representation of the milestone image. Hover over or touch a milestone to see its filename and file size. Double-click a thumbnail to open the Image Editor.
IMPORTANT: Milestone images can be cropped for full screen or windowed display. Full screen milestone images must be created at a specific size and saved in a specific format. Download the Photoshop (.psd) Timeline Image Template from the Resources tab under My Account for assistance with proper sizing and placement of an image within the alloted space. |
Remove Milestone Link |
Click the Remove Milestone link to delete a milestone, and then save the changes. |
The Style Panel is used to customize each module's appearance. The available options will vary depending on the selected module template and can include options to adjust colors, fonts, and images.
Style Settings |
Each module's style settings will vary depending on the assigned module template. The style settings are typically broken into sections, including Common style settings that pertain to all screens, Main Menu style settings that pertain only to the module's main menu, Secondary Menus style settings that pertain only to the secondary menu pages, and Content style settings that pertain only to the module's content pages. See the Module Templates topic for details on how a module's style settings pertain to each module template. |