

Members are at the heart of the interactive experience, each representing an entity worthy of celebration and commemoration. The Members section of the Editor is used to create and edit members, member content, and to assign members to the attract screen and other modules.



Section Title

Identifies the active tab and provides a brief overview of its purpose and functionality.

Action Toolbar

 Saves changes made to one or more members.

Creates a new member.

Reloads the Editor, discarding any unsaved changes.

Switches to the Virtual Interactive Display. When the Virtual Interactive Display is active, click the Edit icon  on the toolbar to return to the Editor view.

Deletes the selected member or members.


IMPORTANT: Pay close attention to the confirmation messages to ensure the anticipated action will be performed.

Select Member to Edit Panel

Click to expand the panel and display the list of members. Select one or more members to edit. Check the Multi-Select checkbox to select more than one member.



Show Filter Options

Check the checkbox to show additional filter options.



Filter by Enabled Status

Select whether to display only enabled members, only unenabled members, or both. When displayed, enabled members will be grayed out but can still be selected and edited.

Filter by Module

Select whether to display members from all modules, one specific module, or only members who are not assigned to a module.

Filter by Attribute Assignment

Select an attribute to display only those members who have the attribute assigned to them.

Filter by Attribute Value

Select a value to display only those members who's attribute has the matching value assigned. This option will only be available if the attribute selected under Filter by Attribute Assignment  can be assigned a value.


Sort Options

Select a group to be used to sort the list of members. As long as one or more of the attributes within the group are assigned to a member they will be sorted even if the group itself is not assigned to them. If none of the attributes within the group have been assigned to a member they will be sorted using their Member Alias.

Search Field

Enter a search term to filter down the list of members based on the entered text.

Display Information

Displays the total number of members, the number of selected members, and the number of visible members.


NOTE: Unenabled members are included in the total count and are hidden by default. To display unenabled members in the Editor click the Show Filter Options checkbox and select the Show Enabled and Unenabled Members option from the Filter by Enabled Status menu.

Multi-Select Checkbox

Check the checkbox to enable the selection of multiple members at once. To select a sequential range of members click directly on the first member's checkbox, then hold the SHIFT key and click directly on the checkbox of the last member.


NOTE: Page content and images cannot be edited when in multi-select mode.

List of Members

Lists all members available for editing.


Next / Previous Member

Click the Next or Previous buttons to view the next or previous member in the list. When the panel header is not visible, the Next, Previous, and Scroll to Top buttons illustrated below will be displayed at the lower right corner of the screen:




Member Information and Options

When one or more members are selected additional information and panels are displayed.



Member Id

Each member is assigned a unique id. The member id can be used to distinguish between two or more members with the same Member Alias.

Member Alias

Each member is assigned an alias to help identify them. While a member's alias can be manually entered, selecting a group attribute under the Auto Generate Member Alias is recommended to provide greater flexibility.

Auto Generate Member Alias

Select a group to be used to generate the member's alias. Using this option provides greater flexibility in displaying, sorting, and searching for members. If no groups are listed they can be created on the Attributes tab. When a group attribute is used, other group attributes that contain the same nested attributes can also be used for sorting and displaying the alias, even if those group attributes are not assigned to the member. For example, a group attribute can be created for Name, which can include several other attributes such as First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name. A second group attribute can be created for Name, Last,  which can include the same nested attributes, but in a different order. Because the same nested attributes are used in both groups (First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name), as long as one of the groups is assigned to the member, either can be used for sorting and display.

Enable Member Checkbox

Check the checkbox to enable the selected member or members. Only enabled members are displayed in the interactive, and by default, in the Editor's list of members.


NOTE: To display unenabled members in the Editor click the Show Filter Options checkbox and select the All Members option from the Filter by Enabled Status menu. Unenabled members will be grayed out but can still be selected and edited. Members must be unenabled before they can be permanently deleted.

Omit Member from Search Results

Check the checkbox to prevent the selected member(s) from being included in interactive search results. This feature is useful to prevent members that are used solely for informational pages, such as an Introduction or Credits page, from being displayed in the interactive's search results.



Member Content

Member content is displayed on Pages. Once a page layout has been defined on each module's Pages panel it will be available under the Page Selection menu on the Members tab. A module must be assigned to a member before its pages will be displayed in the menu.



Page Content


Page Select Menu Options

Select a page to edit its contents. Pages are sorted by module and by page name, and are displayed accordingly in the format Module name: Page name. Only pages from modules assigned to the selected member(s) are displayed. Example:




Delete Page Content

Deletes the page's content for the selected member(s), replacing it with the default text as defined on the module's Pages panel on the Modules tab.


NOTE: If the page is set to 'published' when the delete button is pressed it will be changed to 'unpublished' and its contents will not be deleted. Pressing the delete button when the page is set to 'unpublished' will completely delete its contents and its published state will be set to the default value as defined on the module's Pages panel on the Modules tab. For example, if the page definition is set to automatically be assigned to all members, the page will be set to 'published' and display the placeholder text, otherwise it will be set to 'unpublished'.

Publish Checkbox

Check or uncheck to publish or unpublish the selected page, respectively. This setting is applied to the selected member(s) only and overrides the global value set on the module's Pages panel on the Modules tab. When a page is unpublished it is not displayed in the interactive.

Content Editing

The elements displayed in the content editing area will vary depending on the assigned page layout, as defined on the module's Pages panel on the Modules tab. Options are as follows:


Auto Generated Heading

Displays the auto generated headings as defined by the page layout. Pages and page layouts are assigned to each module on its Pages panel on the Modules tab. Not all page layouts include auto generated headings.



Text Editor

The text editor is available for several page layouts and is the primary tool for adding textual content. Its functionality is similar to that of many basic text editors, but with some application specific features such as the ability to insert layout templates, shortcodes, and tabs. See the Text Editing Tools topic below for more information.



Text Editing Tools

The text editing tools are located in the Text Editor on the Members tab.



Switch between HTML and WYSIWYG mode. HTML mode provides direct access to the HTML markup and tags. Text generated in other word processors or HTML editors can be copied and pasted into the WYSIWYG or HTML windows respectively. Note that unsupported HTML tags will get stripped from the code when saved.


Click to undo the most recent change.


Click to redo the most recent undo.


Apply a preset format to the selected block of text, such as heading and paragraph styles. Select the option again to remove the formatting.


Apply a preset style to the selected text, such as superscript. Select the option again to remove the style.


Apply a bold font weight to the selected text. Select the option again to remove the style.


Apply an italic font style to the selected text. Select the option again to remove the style.


Underline the selected text. Select the option again to remove the underline.

Insert Image

Insert an image at the current cursor location. When the insert dialog box opens, select an existing image from the Choose tab or click the Upload tab to upload a new image. To resize an image once it's been inserted, click on it and drag the control handle at the lower right corner. Click the image to display the select menu. Select menu options include:


Edit: Edit the images Alt tag, Caption, and Alignment.

Delete: Delete the image.

Portrait: Replace the image with the active member's Portrait image.

Action: Replace the image with the active member's Action image.

New: Open the image selection dialog box to select a new image.

Insert Video

Insert a  video at the current cursor location. See the Video Options topic below for more details.


Create a bulleted list.

 Align Text

Select the desired alignment for one or more selected text blocks.


NOTE: This option applies only to the alignment of text blocks. To align an image, click on it to display its context menu and click the Edit button.

Font Size

Apply a font size to the selected text.

Text Color

Apply a color to the selected text.

Insert Shortcode

Select a shortcode to insert. Shortcodes are created on the Attributes tab. Shortcodes are dynamically replaced with the associated attribute's value when rendered in the interactive. Shortcodes can also be typed in manually by enclosing the shortcode identifier within brackets [ ]. When entered manually, shortcode identifiers must be an exact match, including upper and lower case letters and spacing; and there must be no space between the shortcode identifier and the opening and closing brackets.

Insert Special Character

Insert one of several special characters, such as copyright or trademark symbols.


Insert a table or modify table rows and columns.

Insert Layout Template

Insert one of several predefined layout templates.

Add Tab

Click to add a new tab. If no tabs exist the current text will be moved to the new tab.

Remove Tab

Delete the active tab, and optionally, all of its content.


Text Input Area

Type or paste text content in the Text Input Area. Images cannot be pasted and must be uploaded separately. To paste valid HTML code, switch to HTML mode before pasting the code. Note that not all HTML tags are supported.

Word/Character Count

Displays the total number of words and characters. Each tab, not including its label, adds one word and one character to the total count. Each space adds one character, and when typed in succession, every other space is counted as a word.




Video Location

Select the source location for the video. Options include Vimeo Video, YouTube Video, or a Self-Hosted MP4 Video.


Video URL/Code

Vimeo Video


1.Go to Vimeo

2.Navigate to your video

3.Click the Share  button

4.Copy the URL shown in the Link field

5.Paste the URL into the Video URL/Code field in the Editor

Self-Hosted MP4 Video


1.Upload your video to your web server

2.2. Configure CORS on your web server

3.3. Enter the URL of your self-hosted video


NOTE: Self-hosted video must be hosted on a server with SSL enabled (https://).


CORS Notes

Self hosted video requires CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). Please consult with your web master or hosting provider for assistance with configuring CORS on your web server. A sample .htaccess file is provided for Apache servers under the resources link under My Account. To configure CORS on an Apache server, create an .htaccess file in the same folder as the hosted video and copy and paste the contents of the sample file into it (support for .htaccess files must be enabled on the server). The contents of the sample .htaccess file is as follows:


<FilesMatch "\.(mp4|vtt|jpg|jpeg)$">

    <IfModule mod_headers.c>

        SetEnvIf Origin "http(s)?://(www\.)?($" AccessControlAllowOrigin=$0

        Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{AccessControlAllowOrigin}e env=AccessControlAllowOrigin




This allows the Hall of Fame Online service to access MP4 video files, JPEG poster images, and VTT caption files that are hosted on your server.




Member Image Panels

Click to expand each panel and access the image editing tools. While the number of image panels may vary depending on the available templates, the functionality of the image editing tools is consistent. 






Module Assignment

Select one or more modules to assign the selected member(s) to them. If necessary, use the Filter Options to filter and search the list of modules.



Show Filter Options



Unpublished Module Display

Toggle the display of unpublished modules. Unpublished modules will be grayed out but can still be selected.

Search Field

Enter text to search for matching modules.


Module List

Select one or more modules to assign the selected member(s) to it.


Attract Screen Settings



Display Member on Attract Screen (by Station)

Check the checkbox next to each station to display the selected member(s) on its attract screen. Members will only be displayed on stations that are configured to display a module they are assigned to. 

Attract Screen Override Panel

Click to expand the panel and access the attract screen override options for the selected member(s). These settings override the global settings defined on the Attract Screen Panel on the Modules tab.

Station to Override

Overrides will be applied to the selected station. To apply the overrides to all stations leave the default "All Stations" option selected.

Reset Attract Screen Overrides

Click to reset the selected member(s) attract screen styles and layout options to their default values on all stations, as defined on the Attract Screen Panel on the Modules tab.



A red reset icon indicates that overrides have been set on one or more individual stations, and making changes at the "All Stations" level will overwrite them.

Attract Screen Override Template

Select the template to configure. This only pertains to the style and layout options for the selected member(s) and does not change which attract screen template will be displayed in the interactive. See the Attract Screen topic for more information on switching between templates, and the Attract Screen Templates topic for more information on each attract screen template.

Text and Labels Override Panel

Click to expand the panel and access text and label configuration options. See the Attract Screen Templates topic for more information on configuration details for each attract screen template.

Style and Layout Override Panel

Click to expand the panel and access style and layout configuration options. See the Attract Screen Templates topic for more information on configuration details for each attract screen template.

Assign Attribute to Member Panel

Click the panel header to expand the panel and display the list of attributes. Check an attribute's checkbox to assign it to the selected member(s).




Show Filter Options

By default, attributes are sorted by type, with each type displayed in a different color. To filter or re-sort the list of attributes check the Show Filter Options checkbox.

Show Attributes By Type

Select an attribute type to display. All other attribute types will be hidden.

Sort By Type

Select whether to sort attributes by name, type, or id. When sorted by id, the attribute id will be displayed in parenthesis next to the attribute name.

Include/Omit Parents from Search Results

Select whether or not to include an attribute's parent in the search results. This pertains only to attributes that are nested in a group or list.


Enter text to search for matching attributes. Parent attributes will be displayed as well if the Include Parents in Search Results option is selected.

Quick Filter Options

Select whether to display all attributes, only selected attributes, or only unselected attributes. Click the uncheck all option to uncheck all attributes.


NOTE: When using the uncheck all option, an attribute assigned as the Auto Generated Member Alias cannot be unchecked.

List of Assignable Attributes

Assignable attributes are color coded by type. Check the checkbox for each attribute to be assigned to the selected member(s). When a group attribute is assigned its nested attributes will automatically be checked and disabled to prevent removal. Likewise, when a group attribute is assigned as the Auto Generated Member Alias it will automatically be checked and disabled to prevent removal. To uncheck a disabled checkbox uncheck its parent, or unassign its parent as the Auto Generated Member Alias.


With the exception of fixed value attributes, each checked attribute will be added to the Edit Attribute Value panel where its value can be entered.




For the greatest flexibility, attributes nested in any group that will be used as a Member Label in the interactive should be assigned to all members. For example, if members are typically assigned a Name attribute as their alias, but will also be sorted and displayed by their last name using the Name, Last attribute, they should all be assigned the Comma (,) attribute, which is used in the Name, Last attribute. Doing so will ensure proper display when listing members using the Name, Last attribute, without requiring the Name, Last attribute to be assigned to every member.


Fixed Value Attributes

Unless they are nested in a group attribute, Fixed Value attributes are not displayed in the Edit Attribute Value panel, but must be assigned for proper functionality of custom Menu Attributes and Filters. For example, in order for a member to be displayed when a Football button is selected in the interactive they must have the Football attribute assigned to them. 


Name/Value Pair Attributes

While a name/value pair attribute can be included in several group attributes it can only be assigned a single value. Typing a value in any one of its referenced fields on the Edit Attribute Value panel will be reflected in all of its referenced fields.


List Attributes

List attribute values are separate from their fixed value counterparts. For example, if Football is selected as the value for a Primary Sport list attribute, this is not equivalent to assigning the Football attribute itself. They represent two distinct values and must be assigned independently.

While a list attribute can be included in several group attributes, it can only be assigned a single value. Selecting a value from any one of its referenced select menus on the Edit Attribute Value panel will be reflected in all of its referenced select menus.


Function Attributes

To prevent calculation errors, all attributes referenced by a function attribute formula must be assigned as well. Calculations will only take place after all referenced attributes and values are entered and the changes are saved. If errors occur after entering all data, check the formula and each referenced attribute to ensure all shortcodes have been properly entered and are active.


Edit Attribute Value Panel



Member Alias

When a group attribute is assigned as an Auto Generated Member Alias its header will be rendered in gold, and it will not have a close  button. A group attribute must be unassigned as the Auto Generated Member Alias before it can be removed.

Input Field

Enter a value for the attribute. All other references to the attribute's value will be updated at the same time.

Fixed Value Attribute

Fixed Value attributes included as part of a group are rendered with a gray background as a visual reference only and cannot be edited.

Remove Attribute

Click to remove the attribute from all selected members. This is equivalent to unchecking the attribute on the Assign Attribute to Member panel.

List Attribute

To assign a value to a List attribute, select a value from its drop down menu. All other references to the list attribute's value will be updated at the same time.

Multi-Value Attribute

Each value entered in a multi-value attribute must be separated by a comma. Make sure values are entered as required by the value type, as illustrated by the sample format text.


TIP: Hovering over an attribute on the Assign Attribute to Member panel or hovering over an attribute label on the Edit Attribute Value panel will display the attribute's id. This can be useful when using the attribute (id) value type, which requires entering a list of comma separated attribute ids. Sorting the list of attributes by 'id' on the Assign Attribute to Member panel will also display each attributes id in parenthesis after its name.

Sample Format Text

The Sample Format Text provides an example of how a value needs to be entered. The sample text is dependent on an attribute's value type.

Function Attribute: Formula

Function attributes of the type formula will display a read only field with the calculated result of the equation. To prevent calculation errors, be sure to assign all attributes referenced by the attribute's formula to the member. Calculations will only take place after all referenced attributes have been assigned to the member and their values have been entered and saved. If errors occur after entering all data, check the formula on the Attributes tab and ensure all shortcodes have been properly entered and enabled.

Function Attribute: Age

Function attributes of the type age will include fields for entering a Start Date, End Date, and a read only field displaying the Age Result. When the End Date is left empty the current date will be used for the calculation and the resulting age will be updated daily. The display format of the resulting age is defined on the Attributes tab when the attribute is created.