Image Editor

The Image Editor is a basic image upload and editing tool common to the Modules and Members tabs. While the requirements for each image may vary based on each module template, the functionality of the image editing tools remains consistent.


Upload an Image
To upload an image expand its respective panel and click the Upload Image Tool. It is important for each uploaded image to match its required size and resolution, as defined for each template. If the uploaded image does not meet the necessary requirements a dialog box will be displayed with instructions on what steps need to be taken. The maximum file size for uploaded images is 9MB (9,000 KB).


Image Edit Mode
Click the crop tool to enter Edit Mode. The background behind the crop tools is dark when Edit Mode is active.


Image Active Border

When in edit mode (dark background behind crop tools), click the image to enable cropping. A red border will be displayed around the image to indicate it is active and ready for cropping. Click-and-drag on the image to define the crop area, then double-click inside the crop area or click the Apply Crop tool to apply the crop.

Image Upload Progress Bar

The blue progress bar is displayed to indicate image upload progress.

Image Editing Tools

Upload Image
Click to select and upload an image.

Zoom Area Tool/Image Preview Mode

Click to enter Image Preview Mode. Once in preview mode, click-and-hold on the image to zoom in at a scale of 1:1. Viewing the image at a scale of 1:1 provides a more accurate representation of how the image resolution will appear when displayed on the live interactive.

Crop Tool/Edit Mode

Click the crop tool to enter Edit Mode. A red border will be displayed around the image to indicate it is active and ready for cropping. If the red border is not displayed, click the image to enable cropping. Once active, click-and-drag on the image to define the crop area.


NOTE: Unless an image has been properly formatted prior to upload, always crop the image to attain the proper aspect ratio, resolution, and to ensure the best balance between image quality and file size/performance. Unlike print, using a resolution that is higher than the 1:1 target size for screen display will only degrade visual quality and performance.

Apply Crop

Click the Apply Crop icon or double-click/tap the image inside the selected crop area to apply the crop.

Delete Image

Click to delete the active image.


CAUTION: This action cannot be undone.

Rotate Image Counterclockwise

Click to rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise.

Rotate Image Clockwise

Click to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.

Mirror Image Horizontally

Click to mirror/flip the image horizontally.

Mirror Image Vertically

Click to mirror/flip the image vertically.


Click to undo the last change.


Click to redo the last undo.

Clear History

Click to clear the undo history. This locks the image in its current state.


CAUTION: This action cannot be undone.

Image Module Assignment (for applicable modules only)

A different image can be assigned to each module. To use the same image for all modules select the Default (all modules) option before uploading an image. When an image is uploaded for a specific module it will take precedence over the Default (all modules) image.


NOTE: A different attract screen Action Image can be assigned to each station as well.



Station Id

The Station Id select menu is displayed when the Module Assignment Attract Screen option is selected. This accommodates uploading a different Action Image for the attract screen on each station. To assign the same attract screen image to all stations, leave the default "All stations" option selected.


Image Preview Mode
Click the Image Zoom Area Tool to enter Image Preview Mode. The background behind the Image Zoom Area Tool is dark when Image Preview Mode is active.


Image Zoom Area Tool

Click the Image Zoom Area Tool to enter Image Preview Mode.

Image Zoom Icon

A zoom icon will be displayed over the image when Image Preview Mode is active. Click-and-hold on the image to zoom at a scale of 1:1. Drag the cursor to view different areas of the image. Viewing the image at a scale of 1:1 provides a more accurate representation of how the image resolution will appear when displayed on the live interactive.


NOTE: Unless an image has been properly formatted prior to upload, always crop the image to attain the proper aspect ratio, resolution, and to ensure the best balance between image quality and file size/performance. Unlike print, using a resolution that is higher than the 1:1 target size for screen display will only degrade visual quality and performance.