Common Editor Elements




Hall of Fame Online Logo

Click the logo to navigate to the Member Home page.

Welcome Link

Displays the name of the logged in user. Click the welcome link to navigate to the Member Home page.

Log Out Link

Click the link to log out the current user.

Section Tabs

Use the Section Tabs to navigate to each of the primary sections of the Editor. As illustrated below, when viewed on smaller screens the section tabs are identified by a vertical bar along their left edge.



Section Heading

Identifies the current section tab and provides a brief overview of its purpose and functionality.

Utility Icons

Use the Utility Icons to change Settings (for the Interactive, the Editor, and for connected Devices), to access this User Guide, and to navigate to the Member Home page, respectively.


Action Toolbar

The Action Toolbar is common to the Attributes, Modules, and Members  tabs. The functionality of each button may change relative to the active panel within a section:


 Saves changes specific to the active section.

Adds an element specific to the active panel within a section. For example, on the Modules tab, clicking the button will add a new module, button, or page depending on which Action Panel is active. Pay close attention to the confirmation messages to ensure the anticipated actions will be performed.

Reloads the Editor, discarding any unsaved changes.

Switches to the Virtual Interactive Display. When the Virtual Interactive Display is active, click the Edit icon  on the toolbar to return to the Editor view.

Deletes the selected element. Pay close attention to the confirmation messages to ensure the anticipated actions will be performed.

Action Panels

Each panel serves a different purpose, as indicated by its name. Click a panel to expand it and to access its contents. The functionality of each action panel is described in greater detail under the Attributes, Modules, and Members topics.