

The Hall of Fame Online Editor is used to create the public facing interactive experiences. Changes made in the editor can be previewed before or after making them live using its Virtual Interactive Display. The editor was designed to be easy to use and easy to access from any contemporary web enabled device with a supported web browser and a high-speed Internet connection. Supported web browsers include the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. Some of the common tasks the editor is used to accomplish include:

Creating and editing attributes, which are used to uniquely identify members

Creating and configuring modules, which are used to organize, search, and display members and member content

Customizing module styles, and assigning module templates to alter a module's appearance and functionality

Configuring the attract screen layout and styles

Creating and editing module menus, which are used to navigate the interactive

Creating and editing module pages, which are used to display member content

Creating and editing members, which represent those being commemorated

Assigning attributes to members and editing attribute values

Creating, editing, or configuring member content, such as write-ups, images, and videos

Creating attract screen overrides specific to individual members

Configuring settings, such as creating and managing station configurations, interactive devices, and station assignments



Getting Started, How to...

Create New Users

Each installation requires two types of users at a minimum, including an Administrative user and an INTERACTIVE ONLY user. An Administrative user has full access to the editor and an INTERACTIVE ONLY user is required to run the public facing interactive (kiosk). Although the primary user created at sign-up has administrative privileges, it is strongly recommended that at least one new Administrative user be created for use with the editor to limit access to sensitive account information such as billing details. It is also recommended that the password be changed for the INTERACTIVE ONLY user that was created for you at sign-up.


See Creating Users under the Editor Users topic to learn how to create and edit users.


Minimum Required User Level: Administrator


Access the Editor

To access the Editor use a compatible web browser and navigate to the Hall of Fame Online website, log in to your account using the account created in the step above, and click the Launch Editor button under Member Home.


Minimum Required User Level: Standard User

Create an Attribute

1.In the editor, navigate to the Attributes tab and click the New Attribute    button

2.Enter an Attribute Name

3.Select an Attribute Type

4.Select and configure the relevant options (see Attribute Types and the Advanced Options Panel for more information)

5.Click the Save  button


See the Attributes topic for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Power User

Create a Menu Attribute

1.In the editor, navigate to the Attributes tab and click the New Attribute    button

2.Enter an Attribute Name

3.Under Attribute Type, select Menu

4.Click on the Select Attributes to Include panel to open it

5.Check the checkbox for each attribute you want displayed as a button on the secondary menu when your main menu button is clicked

6.Click the Save  button

7.Once saved, a menu attribute can be assigned to a main menu Button Target on the Modules tab


See the Menu Attribute topic for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Power User


Create a Module

1.In the editor, navigate to the Modules tab and click the New Module    button

2.Enter a Module Name

3.Select a Publish Location 

4.Select a Module Template

5.Edit the Module Style as desired

6.Click the Save  button

7.Proceed to the creation of module Buttons and Pages


See the Modules topic for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Power User


Create a Module Button

1.In the editor, navigate to the Modules tab, expand the relevant Module Panel, expand the Main Menu panel and click the New Button    button

2.Enter a Button Label

3.Select a Publish Location 

4.Select a Button Target

5.Configure button options based on the selected target

6.Configure the Common, Main Menu, and Navigation Page sections on the Style panel as desired

7.Click the Save  button


See the Main Menu topic for details.


The Button Target for each main menu button determines which layout will be displayed when an end-user clicks the button. See the Button Target and Module Templates topics for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Power User


Create a Module Page

1.In the editor, navigate to the Modules tab, expand the relevant Module Panel, expand the Pages panel and click the New Page    button

2.Enter a Page Title

3.Select a Publish Location 

4.Select a Page Layout

5.Configure the page options based on the selected page layout

6.Configure the Common, Content Pages, and Full Screen Video sections on the Style panel as desired

7.Click the Save  button


See the Module Pages topic for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Power User


Create a Member

1.In the editor, navigate to the Members tab and click the New Member    button

2.Select a group attribute from the Auto Generate Member Alias menu

3.Enter a value for each attribute included in the member alias  

4.Assign attributes to the member on the Assign Attribute to Member panel

5.Assign the member to one or more modules under Module Assignment

6.Select whether or not to display the member on the Attract Screen 

7.Click the Save  button


See the Members topic for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Standard User


Create/Edit Member Content

1.In the editor, navigate to the Members tab, expand the Select Member to Edit panel and select a member

2.Expand each image panel under the Member Content section and upload the relevant images

3.Select a page to edit under the Member Content section and edit the content as needed

4.Click the Save  button


See the Member Content topic for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Standard User


Configure the Attract Screen

1.In the editor, navigate to the Modules tab and expand the Attract Screen panel

2.Select an Attract Screen Template

3.Edit the Text and Labels and Style and Layout panel options as needed

4.Click the Save  button


See the Attract Screen and Attract Template topics for detailed information on the appearance and configuration options for each attract screen template.


Minimum Required User Level: Power User


Assign Default Images

1.In the editor, navigate to the Modules tab and expand the Default Images panel

2.Expand each image panel and upload the relevant image


See the Default Images topic for details.


Minimum Required User Level: Standard User